Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What's new?!?!

As it turns out, I am not the best at keeping up with this blog. I get so caught up in our day to day life and while I desire to blog, I go to bed each night once again having neglected to for one reason or another. So to the 3 of you who read this blog, I apologize.

August was a very exciting month for us as we welcomed our first "short-term" mission group from Maranatha Baptist Church. It was such a blessing to be able to share Panama with them and introduce them to many of the children that we work with. Being able to watch our sweet friends from the States (and some family!) interacting with these children that we so dearly love was truly an amazing experience.

Thanks to MBC we got to see a LOT of little faces light up as they received some awesome gifts! Soccer balls, nail polish and jewelry, coloring books, cars, dolls, and even practical things like shoes as well as toothbrushes and toothpaste (donated by some very generous dentists in NJ) were amongst some of the goodies that were shared with hundreds of little ones in Chiriqui, Panama.

The group contained 9 adults and 4 teenagers and watching their lives being transformed and their hearts softened by the experience was one very exciting highlight for Nathan and I. We are truly grateful to those who came and who gave of themselves to the people of Panama. We also truly appreciated the kindness they showed to our family and our sons. Moving away from their friends and family has been hard on some of our boys, and having 13 people come and love on them and make time for each of them, brought me to tears. As a mama, I often worry about my boys and what they may be "missing out" on, so it is a huge blessing to me to have people take time for my children as well. My boys were on cloud 9 all week long and were of course sad to say goodbye. We truly had a wonderful week and were so encouraged by the friendships and fellowship that we shared.

While it is not practical or possible for every Christian to go "overseas" to serve, we feel passionately that it IS possible as well as commanded of us, to be serving the orphans, widows, and the "least of these" in our own communities. We hope that the trip has encouraged those who came to Panama to continue to serve others for Christ in their own community.

THANK YOU MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH--- for your gifts, your time, your prayers, and your LOVE that you shared with us here in Panama.

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