It is coming up on our two year anniversary of our move to Panama and it has been quite a journey. It has been emotional to say the least, but God is good and we have had an wonderful ride.
One extremely difficult part of living in Panama has been the overwhelming feeling of not being able to "do it all" and meet every need. It is so emotionally difficult when you live in one town, but know that you have no impact on children in the next town over, or children 2 hours away. The burden on my heart for so many of the children here is strong. We can tell them about Jesus, but seeing many of them from farther towns on such a limited basis is hard. How can we ensure that their relationship with Christ continues to grow? How can we be most effective in reaching them for Christ? This is something that Nathan and I have mourned over and prayed extensively about. How can we have the greatest impact? How can we best glorify God? The answer came to us unexpectedly several months ago when we met a couple that was currently serving as missionaries in Chile, Rocky and Joske Malloy. In 1999 they started an organization called "Mission Generation" in Bolivia and have since launched a program in Paraguay and Chile as well.
So what does Mission Generation do?
"Mission Generation has developed an accredited curriculum that teaches biblical principles for life, and the good news of Jesus Christ. We operate inside one of the largest networks on earth, the public and private school system, throughout Latin America. This is a massive, effective and efficient means of reaching entire nations with the Gospel. Why are the nations so willing to use our curriculum? Because the Word of God is powerful.When students learn of God's purpose for their lives, that is only found through Jesus Christ, they transform into highly productive citizens in society. The results have been so profound that secular governments are subsidizing a Jesus program as a required school subject. By keeping the focus on Jesus and the Truth of His Word, we have gained the support of Catholics and Protestants alike."
The program has been so successful in reducing teen pregnancy, gang participation, and drug and alcohol abuse, that many other Latin American governments have begun showing an interest in the program. After interest from the Panamanian government, Mission Generation has decided to launch a pilot program here in Panama,with the help of Nathan and I. This is SO EXCITING for us and we are so thrilled for this opportunity to be able to impact an entire generation with Biblical truths and values. Children that may otherwise never learn about Jesus will now be able to hear about His word and His principles on a daily basis.
Can I just tell you what an answer to prayer this is? We are so thrilled to be able to maximize the amount of children that we are able to reach. We see the despair that many of these children live in. Being able to share with them this hope for a future, as well as being able to reach their hearts for Jesus while they are young is so important to us.
Would you please be in prayer for us as we begin this exciting journey? This will be a very busy season for our family as we work to ensure that the pilot program here in Panama is successful. As we are working in the public school system we pray that God allows us to be effective for His kingdom while speaking and interacting with the children, their parents, and the school faculty.
If you are interested in learning more about Mission Generation, be sure to check out their website--- WWW.MissionGeneration.Org
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
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