We are thrilled to welcome our 4'th son...
March 21'st * 4:37am
3lbs 8oz * 16.5in.
A little about his birth...
Wednesday I celebrated 30 wks of pregnancy. I was not feeling well at all. I thought I was probably coming down with a stomach flu. My stomach felt a sharp pain like I had been hit or punched and I was vomiting as well. It wasn't that unusual for me to be feeling the nausea but the pain felt different than the contractions I was used to. I spent the day as I spent every day... in bed laying down and resting. My stomach was tight and felt hard, again I assumed it was a tummy bug hitting me so I just kept trying to drink water and rest. It wasn't unusual for me to feel so uncomfortable so I tried not to get too worked up over it. I was in quite a bit of pain and that night I was having my usual contractions that were painful but nothing shocking. I decided to go to bed and see how I felt in the morning. I went to sleep around midnight and tossed and turned until about 2:30am when I knew something was wrong. The contractions were extremely painful and I could no longer sleep. I went to the bathroom and I immediately knew something was wrong. I was bleeding really badly. I woke Nathan up and told him to hurry and wake the boys we needed to get to the hospital. We called my parents to come get the boys, and we called some Missionary friends who speak spanish and would be able to help with the boys until my parents arrived.
We got there pretty quickly and they had me put on a gown and lay in a bed while they called my doctor. My mind was racing and I started to panic. I still felt him moving and I kept rubbing him and waiting for him to respond. I am not sure how long it took the doctor to arrive the whole night turned to a blur. She got there and checked me and confirmed I was in active labor. She told me she needed to do an ultrasound to confirm his position because she felt a hand. They rushed me for an ultrasound and sure enough, Jude was laying transverse. I was still bleeding very badly and his hand had already presented in my cervix. She quickly went over the options with Nathan. 1.) Have a c-section there at the private hospital and Jude would need to be transported shortly after birth or 2.) Transport me to the public hospital for my c-section and then they would take Jude to the NICU.
We decided to stay for the C-section at the private hospital because we knew the care would be better. We also knew at the public hospital there would be a really strong language barrier and I was frightened enough. They rushed me up for my C-section and at 4:37am Jude arrived. I waited for his cry and breathed a huge sigh of relief when I heard it. I could see them working on him and pumping his chest and they quickly rushed him out of the room. He was taken by ambulance a few minutes away to the public hospital. I was in a fog.
Jude started out in very serious condition, but he has quickly shown us that he is very strong and he is a fighter. He is currently stable and doing well. While I wish he could have waited another month or two before joining us, I am so incredibly thankful he is here and he is safe and he is thriving. God is GREAT, and we are once again blessed with another son.
We chose the name Jude because it means "Praise" and words can not express our praise and thanksgiving for our precious new son. His middle name, Ellis, means "The Lord is my God". We thought that fit perfectly. We have no doubts that God will watch over him and use his life as He sees fit.
" For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27
Bek, I am praising God with you and praying for you as you heal and as Jude gets stronger. I am so thankful for your testimony of Go's faithfulness. We grow strong as we go through the trials of life and see that God is always near. Love you! Sherry
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your family that Jude comes home soon i went thru the same my son was the same weight and length as Jude was and had the same eating problems and he is now 16 years old and eats everything in sight lol please keep us updated and we will keeping praying